Our world is messed up.
Hi there. According to this picture, average increase in surface temperature would be 3 degrees Celsius from 2081-2100 in Singapore. 3 degrees is definitely a lot. Besides, this is from 2081 to 2100. If it's already hot now in 2016, who knows what the temperature would be like in 2081.
Next, change in average precipitation. In Singapore from 2081-2100, it would be an approximate 20-30%. If the rain now in Singapore is already as random as it gets, sometimes even causing flash floods, we are probably going to face a MAJOR crisis in the future.
I cannot emphasise how important saving the Earth is. There are 7 billion people in the world. If everyone just does 1 simple action, just 1, no matter how big or small, we would definitely make a difference. Already we have Denmark topping the list of renewable energy, with about 40% of its energy coming from renewable energy in 2014 alone. Now, they are close to 50%. Start saving the Earth today. It is better to start now than regret in the future. No point thinking back and wondering if things would have turned out differently if you actually did something.
So, what CAN we do? If you've read our lesson slides and watched our video, perhaps even played the game or done the quiz, then how could you not know? Anyways, we can all play a part in this, doing simple acts everyday. Even bringing your own bag to the supermarket, raising the temperature of the air-conditioner (if you use one) by a few degrees, or perhaps simply recycling your waste, the effects of climate change will surely be slowed down. If everyone plays a part, we can definitely save the Earth!